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Girl Guides of Canada

I started in Girl Guides as a second-year Brownie in 2011. Since then, I have participated in Guides, Pathfinders, and Rangers. 



I have received many awards with Girl Guides of Canada including the:
Canda Cord Award (2019)

Community Service Award (2019)
Silver - Burlington Competition Camp (2019)

Lady Baden Powell Award (2016)


Currently, I am working on the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award with my peers in Rangers as well as my unit Guider. 

2022 World Thinking Day

I am one of 3 third-year Rangers part of the 11th Brampton Pathfinders/Rangers. Some of our meetings in the past year have included virtual campfires with other branches, exploring food sciences, and discussions with Leona Alleslev, a member of the Canadian federal government. 


Before the pandemic, my unit participated and led many camps in the Greater Toronto Area including annual end of the year camps with several other Girl Guides branches, competition camps in the Burlington area, and co-op camp with Scouts and Guides. 


Canada Cord congratulations from (left to right) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Elizabeth Dowdeswell


Canada Cord congratulations from Girl Guides of Canada Ontario Commissioner's Lisa Nicholas and Melissa Martin


Canada Cord congratulations from Unit Guider Belinda Elysee-Collen and Commissioner Susan Birnie



Boxes of cookies sold during my time as a Girl Guides. In my area, we sell classic chocolate and vanilla as well as chocolate mint. 



Years in Girl Guides of Canada. I started as a Brownie, completed the Guide program, finished Pathfinders, and am currently a last year Ranger. 



Camping experiences. This ranges from one night to 7, from -20°C to +30°C, meeting hundreds of Guides and Scouts from all over. Plus 5 online camps during the pandemic!

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