Model United Nations
Currently, I am the Equity Officer for my school's Model United Nations Club. My role is to ensure that all delegates from Central Peel Secondary School, my school, are being equitable and fair to other delegates and staff during conferences. This also means that I am responsible for dealing with equity issues when they arise. To do this, I have created a Code of Conduct, the first of its kind in our club, that all students who wish to participate in MUN must sign prior to conferences.
Central Peel Model United Nations holds the largest high school run Model UN conferences in the Peel district school board, and one of the largest in the Greater Toronto Area that occurs during semester 1.
CPSSMUN VIII was held virtually from December 3 - 4. In total, there was 1 general assembly, 1 specialized agency, 5 crisis committees, and a midnight crisis. Almost 200 students attended across Ontario, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Delegate Experience
UTMUN 2022 (University of Toronto Model United Nations held by the University of Toronto)
Specialized Agency - Decolonization of Hawai'i - Outstanding Delegate
SSUNS 2021 (Secondary School United Nations Symposium held by McGill University)
Joint Crisis Committee - Ford v Ferrari (Carroll Shelby) - Best Delegate Nellie McClung for Advocacy
SSICsim 2021 (Secondary School Interactive Crisis Simulation held by the University of Toronto)
Triple Joint Crisis Committee - Ad Hoc: SCP O5 Council (O5-VI) - Outstanding Delegate
SOMA 2021 (Southern Ontario Model Assembly held by the University of Toronto Schools)
Joint Crisis Committee - American Civil War 2024: Democrats (Jeff Merkely) - Best Delegate
UTMUN 2021 (University of Toronto Model United Nations held by the University of Toronto)
Specialized Agency - Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Goldie) - Best Delegate
SSUNS 2020 (Secondary School United Nations Symposium held by McGill University)
General Assembly - 4th Conference on Women's Rights (Argentina)
SSICsim 2020 (Secondary School Interactive Crisis Simulation held by the University of Toronto)
Joint Crisis Committee - The Fraklin Expedition: Erebus (Smith) - Outstanding Delegate
Dais Experience
CPSSMUN VIII 2021 (Central Peel Secondary School Model United Nation's Eighth Edition held by Central Peel)
Crisis Committee - Ad Hoc - Session V Moderator
CPSSMUN VII 2021 (Central Peel Secondary School Model United Nation's Seventh Edition held by Central Peel)
Crisis Committee - George Orwell's 1984 - Moderator
Planned Conferences
CMUNC Cornell Model United Nations - April 2022
DartMUN Dartmouth Model United Nations - April 2022
HaigMUN Earl Haig Model United Nations - May 2022
RGSSMUN Richmond Green Secondary School Model United Nations - May 2022
CPSSMUN Crisis Night Central Peel Secondary School Model United Nations (Crisis Committees only) - May 2022
Overseeing as conference staff
CPSSMUN Code of Conduct
As part of CPSSMUN VIII, I was initially part of the Dais for the General Assembly. With 3 others, I helped to write the UNESCO Background Guide. But as the Equity Officer for CPSSMUN 2021-2022, I was unable to continue this role. Despite this, many of my contributions to the UNESCO Background Guide are still in place, in particular in Topics 001 and 002.